Financial Highlights


Consolidated Report
(in million Rupiah, unless stated otherwise)
Nett Revenue 884,589 1,176,679 1,187,270984,3471,110,4321,109,283
Gross Profit 206,622229,509  295,423238,580273,365286,580
Income from Operations 40,133 54,950 70,71939,06149,73349,974
Income before Income Tax Expense27,039  31,824 41,38410,90317,00012,230
Nett Income for the Year 23,906 21,618 32,1331,60013,140698
Comprehensive Income Attributable to Equality Holder of Parent Entity 21,646 28,270 22,1905,115 19,432689
Comprehensive Income Attributable to Non-Controlling Interest 9 4 6,058337 304493
Comprehensive Income Attributale to Equity Holder of Parent Entity and Non-Controllin Interest 21,655 28,275 28,248 5,45219,7371,182
Current Assets470,113  587,179 553,095505,973566,523593,061
Non Current Assest340,991  399,620 408,930 466,043500,275501,594
Total Assets811,104  986,799 962,025 972,0151,066,7981,094,656
Short Term Liabilities358,581  454,054 446,938 449,422543,038590,384
Long Term Liabilities46,606  106,701 106,816 151,750133,283112,626
Total Liabilities405,186  560,755 553,754 601,172676,321703,010
Total Equity405,918  426,043 408,271370,843 390,478391,646
Total Liabilities and Equity811,104  986,799 962,025972,015 1,066,7981,094,656
Nett Working Capital111,532  133,125 106,157 56,55023,4852,677
EBITDA90,208  90,208 108,582 76,02988,92890,404
Number of Shares Issued*320  1,600 1,600 1,6001,6001,600
Earning per Share /EPS75  14 16.150.79 8,030,13
Financial Ratio      
Nett Income on Assets2.95%  2.19% 3.34%0.16% 1.23%0,06%
Nett Income on Equity5.89%  5.07% 7.87% 0.43%3.37%0,18%
Nett Income on Revenue2.70%  1.84% 2.71%  0.16%1.18%0,06%
Current Ratio1.31  1.29
Debt to Equity1.00  1.32 1.36  1.621.731.80
Debt to Assets 0.50 0.57 0.580.62 0.630.64

*Stock split 1:5 at July 13, 2018

