Creating effective and well-designed solutions that improve efficiency and enhance experience
Our decades of experience in handling various spaces enable us to present innovative solutions that will improve space utilization and help people to improve their quality of life.

Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Huawei Jakarta Office
Advanced smart office concept for tech-company

Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Burson-Marsteller indonesia
leading global public relations and communications firm

Technology, Media & Telecommunications
HAVAS media indonesia
Multinational Marketing, Communication and Media agency

Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Dentsu International
Multinational Marketing, Communication and Media agency.

Technology, Media & Telecommunications
PT. Graha Layar Prima (CGV CINEMAS)
PT. Graha Layar Prima, Tbk is also known as CJ CGV * CINEMAS (or formerly known as Blitz Megaplex) is a leading cinema network in Indonesia.