PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk or commonly known as MedcoEnergi is a company engaged in the exploitation and drilling of oil and gas in Indonesia. This company is a business unit of the Medco Group that oversees the energy sector.
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk or commonly known as MedcoEnergi is a company engaged in the exploitation and drilling of oil and gas in Indonesia. This company is a business unit of the Medco Group that oversees the energy sector.
- Lokasi
Jakarta, Indonesia - Area
- What We Do
Interior - Consultant

Proyek Terkait

Multinational Mining Company
Ruang kantor adalah narasi pertumbuhan, kolaborasi, dan kesuksesan. Ini menceritakan sebuah kisah, apakah itu meja konferensi tempat lahirnya ide-ide terobosan atau area dapur tempat rekan kerja saling terikat dalam berbagi pengalaman. Setiap perabot membisikkan kisah inovasi, yang merupakan bukti nilai dan visi perusahaan. Setiap sudut melambangkan komitmen perusahaan.

ANTAM - Aneka Tambang
Tempat di mana orang berkolaborasi dan bertukar pikiran. Itu adalah ruang yang tenang dan pribadi di mana orang merasa senang berbagi informasi dan ide. Pada dasarnya, ruang rapat menyediakan pengaturan terfokus untuk kolaborasi. Ruang pertemuan harus memberikan suasana yang nyaman sehingga semua orang bisa lebih produktif.

Minyak & Gas
Design Driven Executive Office To Fit Today's Working Environment
Flexible work arrangements have skyrocketed in popularity.

Minyak & Gas
Pertamina Executive
Impact of the physical environment on health and well-being
The past decades show a growing awareness of the impact of the physical environment on peoples’ health and well-being, both in academic research and in professional publications. This may be because of the shift from a one-sided focus on cost reduction to a more holistic and integrated value-based approach and an optimal balance between costs and benefits of interventions in buildings, facilities and services. Besides, people have become more aware of the impact of health and well-being on our quality of life and the risk of health complaints, illness or – in worst cases – burnout.
GGS Interior values quality of people, quality of work to improve the quality of life.